Below you can find some of my work from MEJO121. This includes videos, infographics and code editing.
Time Spent Abroad
Lena Hope Holloway studied abroad during the first semester of her freshman year with a UNC program called “Carolina Global Launch.” During her program in Scotland, she met some of her best friends and learned some valuable lessons.
On her journey, Lena Holloway learned how to be independent away from home. She plans to study abroad again and to keep traveling for as long as she can.
Lena Holloway stresses that everyone should study abroad if they can. She comments on how valuable her experience was and the life-long memories she made.
Study Abroad Infographic
This is an infographic I created to go along with the video above. The purpose of this infographic is to spread valuable information about studying abroad at UNC and encourage other students to adventure beyond North Carolina.
Wrestling With Nate Jones
Nate Jones is a big-time wrestler at his high school in Pfafftown, North Carolina. At Reagan High School, coaches and parents stress the importance of being a “Big Dog,” a term they use for a model student on and off the mat.
As Nate continues his wrestling journey, he is projected to have the most wrestling match wins of any wrestler at Reagan. His continued support from his teammates, coaches, and parents aid him in his success as a wrestler and his happiness as a person.
Below are some examples of my skills in HTML/CSS coding. You can find the website that goes along with this code at
This website was created to showcase my “Time Spent Abroad” video and spends time really digging into the facts and experiences of those who chose to study abroad.
Content precedes design. Design in the absence of content is not design; it’s decoration.
—Jeffrey Zeldman, entrepreneur, web designer and co-founder of the Web Standards Project.
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